Thursday, December 11, 2014

End of the Blog Photos...For Now

Hi, parents!

After some serious time spent trying to upload videos and transfer YouTube files...I am pretty done with the blogging photos and videos.  I know it's only December, but I promise, in years past, I used to post pictures on the blog all the time! I am finding that the classroom Instagram works WAY better for me.  It's more instant, in the moment, and it's a short caption rather than a paragraph. 

I will continue to post updates to let you know what is happening in class, but it will basically be like this-- paragraph form and not listed by month.  I hope that's ok with you! I have better communication via the Instagram anyway. PLUS I can post their faces on the Instagram...which is the best part!!

I also intend on posting any new videos we watch in class on here for easy access to watch at home.
ANYWAY.  I am stoked that we have one week of school left.  :) I'm ready to paint my house and I need the two week break to do it!!

In class have been studying a hodge-podge of hibernation, Scandinavia, and gingerbread things to get us in the Christmas spirit! We have also taken on the service project of helping the Humane Society by donating pet items and making chew toys! I hope the kids take away that Christmas is about giving, not about asking or receiving. They are making so much great progress with counting and naming shapes! Everything is going very well...all because of YOU! Thanks for your wonderful kids!!

Miss Escalera