
Kookoo for Coconuts!

We are having so much fun learning about coconuts this week! Our reading list includes:
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Chicka Chicka 123
Walking Through the Jungle
Literacy Skills: General Alphabet Exploration, Beginning Sounds
Math Skills: Colors/Color Words, Numbers 0-10
Science Skills: Sensory details, prediction, observations

PLEASE follow us on Instagram! @missescalera--  This photo is a million times better when you see their faces! :)
WHAT will happen when I drop the coconut?!

Getting to know the coconut

Coconut tasting-- we compared this sweeter version of coconut water versus the REAL coconut water we drained from the coconut!

Sweetened coconut shavings made into a simple snack! Not the healthiest, I admit, but easiest way to taste the shavings.  Graham crackers, thin layer of frosting, and the shavings!

OF COURSE, we also each got a scrape of the inside to taste.  Some of us didn't care for it as much as the sweetened stuff (haha).

Some of us didn't want to try it, but WE ARE BRAVE in Kindergarten!

Coconut exploration using our 5 senses! Today we only talked about the outer coconut shell. Tomorrow we will discuss the inside of the coconut!

Learning an old British tune! Our classroom pal, Rhyming Bunny, is from England (of course).  Today he taught us this song: "I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts"
Check out the muppet version on youtube:

Here is some amazing kinder work produced during science time! 

A creative approach to what the coconut looked like!

Beautiful Kinder letters!

A REALLY hairy coconut, apparently.


Where's the Worm math game
Click here to watch a video of it!

APPLE PARTY! Complete with an apple tasting, graphing, applesauce making, and apple sampler!

Graphing which one we like more after the tasting

Painting with apple pieces
Apple dice roll game!

Not apple related, but it's M week! Here are some great pieces of M work!

Man with a Mustache :)



Please watch these and listen to your kids sing! THEY KNOW HOW TO SPELL NOW!! :)
We have a green song too, but I can't find it on YouTube   :(

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