Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Although we will have to make this day up in May, I am just as excited as the kids are that we have no school today.  Mr. Darcy discovered the fireplace yesterday, so I don't think we'll be going anywhere for the day.  I burned through 5 Harry Potter movies and am watching Narnia as I clearly, being productive is out of the question!

I have a few playlists you can play for the kids on YouTube.  See how many of the songs they know! We listen to most of these in class. PLEASE adjust your ad filter at the bottom of the YouTube screen, or closely monitor the programming when you play the playlists. There are ads about ever two videos.
(Color Word songs)
The last song on the list is "White" which we JUST learned!
Thanksgiving themed playlist with all sorts of stuff to teach about pilgrims.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Yes, I'm that person.

It's time for another post! I'll be updating the November tab this week as conferences approach...but just a reminder that for quicker access to photos, install the Instagram app and follow us at "missescalera"...we have been posting a lot!

Now for the personal stuff.  As some of you know, I participated in the Mustache Dache this weekend in Seattle.  I'm a big fan of fun 5Ks! The kiddos helped me decide which style of mustache to wear on Saturday by voting...on my hoodie! I needed something funky fresh to wear in Seattle, so I figured why not represent our colorful classroom.  The Sassy One (what the kids named this kind of mustache) won by a landslide, so I rocked it hard on Saturday! I'll tell ya, I haven't been working out since school started, and OH. MY. GOSH. I was feelin' it.  3 miles?! It's been a WHILE!

In other news, it was a big weekend for Mr. Darcy as well! Seahawks Sunday brought us a win, and I think Mr. Darcy had something to do with it! Any time he wears his doggy jersey, we win!!!! And he doesn't always wear it...he can be stubborn.

He also went to his first doggy birthday party. Yup. I'm THAT lady.

Well, I guess I talk about my dog A LOT because during free writing I got a few hilarious responses.  

"Miss Escalera plays with Mister Darcy."

"I like playing with Miss Escalera + Miss Heather."

:D   Just puts a BIG ol' smile on my face!! :D