Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Social Skills & Sneezes

Hi, families!

Social skills are a huge part of kindergarten! This month's focus is kind words. We are also learning to deal with our friends if we do not hear kind words.  When student's tell me someone called them a mean name, or someone made an unkind face at them, I tell them to tell that friend "I don't like that."  I have seen lots of children successfully teach their classmates to be kinder simply by saying those words! :) Today we got a visit from the counselor and she talked to use about filling each other's buckets.  This is a metaphor for keeping each other in high spirits rather than putting each other down. Feel free to check out the following videos for more information!
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaddbqEQ1NE Filling Buckets song by Learning Station

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5R6-2m_qHk  How Full is Your Bucket? Book on Video

Additionally, I am battling the sniffles.  We hand sanitize A LOT but sometimes there is just no way to avoid the germs.  We are in kindergarten, after all! We have lots of snotty, sneezy, coughy, tired friends this week, so please make sure we are all loading up on vitamin C and lots of rest!


PS: I absolutely love your kids.  I can't wait to get to work each day to hang out with them!

Miss Escalera

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