Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Change of Plans

Every year, I prep and build elaborate units to teach and I think, "Great! I'll be all set for next year!" And every year, I get excited by new topics and I end up reinventing the wheel.  You know how big my spider unit is?! My BAT UNIT?! (That was one of my favorites).  My pumpkin unit alone usually takes three weeks!!!  But I am my mother's child, and I cannot pick one thing to love the most. :) So here we are, at the third week of October, and all those units are taking a hit.  We will be learning about Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead!

I am so thrilled to teach this unit because I found some really cool stuff to bring in.  I plan on making some Bread of the Dead (attempt number one went south last night...so I'll have to try again this weekend!) I'm also trying to hunt down some pre-made sugar skulls.  If I can't find any made, I'll just end up making them myself and bringing them in.  The wonderful thing about the Day of the Dead is that it is SUCH a happy, festive holiday.  I can't wait to see what our room looks like after we have a happy skull explosion!

In other news, we are having trouble as a class with "me," "we," and "my."  If your kiddo seems like they have it down, KEEP USING FLASH CARDS ON THEM.  Kids often times forget or get nervous during assessments and their minds go blank, which makes them confuse the words. 

Keep doing all that you are doing! I hope you all know how much I appreciate you and how much I love your kids! They are the reason I am so excited to come to work each day! :)

I'll try to upload October photos tonight into the October tab.  Until then...adios!

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