Monday, October 6, 2014

Hello, October!

Woo! So excited to bring October in! This month we will be learning about pumpkins & spiders.  We MAY even get to bats if we have time.  The wonderful thing about this class is that the kids are so prepared for K, they are able to go into topics deeper.  Although I usually do nocturnal animals this time of year, I'm going to play it by ear.  I'd rather REALLY learn about two topics than kind of learn about 3 or 4!

Please remember that late start Mondays is a regular thing and will continue.  Additionally, remember, no school on Friday! It's a district waiver day, which means I get to come to school and do paperwork/training while the kids get to be home.

THAT BEING SAID... don't let them sit around all day! Here are some youtube videos they can sing along to and practice.

Spelling orange:
Count to 100:
Count to 20:
Alphabet Rap:

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